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The Artist

How it Started

On Memorial Day two years ago, I decided I’d spend the day in the shop working on a project I had in the back of my mind for a while.  I wanted to create something special in honor of our country that would be proudly displayed in our home. A flag.  But, not just any flag, though. It had to be special. I wanted it to have some heft and It needed to be solid.  I wanted a piece that you’d have to notice when you walk in the house.

Drawing on my 10 years of knowledge of custom furniture building, I took the next 6 hours to construct the flag that would eventually change the course of my business.  As people began to see what I created that day, the more people wanted them.  The demand for the flags got to a point where I had to make a decision – continue making custom furniture or make a commitment to producing the highest quality flags I possibly could. I spent the next 18 months perfecting my construction method, determining correct thicknesses and figuring out the best way to carve the stars in each flag.  The colors of the flags proved to be the biggest challenge, but after dozens of variations, I finally found what I was looking for.  Our unique coloring process does not use stain or paint.

Today, my days are spent building flags for people all across our country.  I’m filled with pride when I see or read about my customers reactions when they receive their flags.  My customers cherish their flags and they love sending me pictures of them in their homes and businesses.  That feedback and love of country continues to inspire me on a daily basis.  The shop has never been brighter and the work just doesn’t seem like work anymore.  I think I’ve found what I was meant to do.